Find books in the Kamiakin Library! Catalog Link
- School library ebooks are now available for check out via Sora from Overdrive. Use this Sway for directions on how to access the very latest and best books available to LWSD secondary students. Login with your school username and password.
Your student ID gives you access to even more amazing resources from the King County Library System!
- ·Make sure you are in the KCLS Student Portal (
- ·DO NOT log in using the black "Log In/MY KCLS" button!
- ·When are ready to access materials (books or databases) you will be prompted to enter a Library Card and Pin.
- Your library account or card number is 414 + your LWSD student ID number for example: 4141234567
- ·Your PIN or password is the last 4 digits of your LWSD student ID number
For more information visit the LWSD Resources Page