The mission of Kamiakin Middle School's counseling program is to provide equitable access to a data informed comprehensive school counseling program that helps all students achieve their fullest potential. In partnership with stakeholders, the school counseling program helps all students become academically prepared, socially responsible, and ready for post-secondary opportunities.
All Kamiakin Middle School students possess the skills and resiliency needed to achieve academic, career, and social emotional success to reach their fullest potential now and in the future.
The conversation students have with their counselor remains confidential (private) except for the following exceptions: (1) you share thoughts of wanting to harm yourself, (2) you share that you plan to harm another person or (3) you share that someone is harming you. In these situations, your school counselor will follow up with you to check on your safety.
School counselors provide interventions through a tiered system of support (image below). All students receive the benefits of a school counseling program (Tier 1) with targeted interventions for students who need them (Tier 2) and intense interventions for a small segment of the student population (tier3).
Kamiakin school counselors support the academic, career, and social emotional development of all students. Below is a list of some examples of how school counselors support students:
• Orienting students to new school settings
• Provide classroom guidance to all students
• Counsel students individually and in groups
• Conduct conferences with families and school staff
• Refer students to special programs and resources
Family’s Role in the School Counseling Program
You, the parent, guardian, and caregiver, are the most important resource for the school and school counselor. Your involvement is critical in helping your child be successful. You are the expert on your child and your input is invaluable. Studies have shown that students will have greater academic achievement when the school and family partnership is strong. Here are some examples of when families may reach out to their child's school counselor:
• Understanding how their child is doing at school
• Academic changes at home or school
• Behavior changes at home or school
• Connecting to community or school resources
Melissa Pierson
Last Names A - L
Liz Biell
Last Names M - Z
Sheetal Kulkarni
Registrar, Counseling Office Professional
Jordan Lindgren
Jessica Williams
Family and Community Engagement Liaison
Youth Eastside Services
Kassidy Gordon c-kagordon@lwsd.or
Communities in Schools
Cyrus Malapajo